Package | |
Type | StructureDefinition |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Status | draft |
Date | 2022-07-07T15:04:03.2592055+00:00 |
Name | HdBeInfusion |
Title | HdBe-Infusion |
Experimental | False |
Description | An infusion is a device that slowly injects fluid into a blood vessel. The infusion has a number of components. The infusion contains: * the (peripheral) cannula or the (central) catheter put into the patient peripherally or centrally; * the administering system connected to the cannula/catheter allowing the administered fluid to run, * the infusion bag containing the fluid. Multiple administering systems may be connected to one cannula/catheter. Furthermore, a central venous catheter may have multiple lumens. Arterial and epidural catheters also exist in addition to venous catheters. #### Purpose The purpose of an infusion is usually to administer fluid and/or medication. Information on present infusions is recorded to inform other health professionals. This information is of importance in determining the care required for the patient and in safely administering medication. In a transfer situation, the information offers the option to realize continuity of care by organizing specific expertise and materials in advance, for example. |
Copyright | Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise. |
Type | |
Kind | logical |
No resources found
StructureDefinition | | ![]() | HdBe-AnatomicalLocation | ![]() | HdBe-HealthProfessional | ![]() | HdBe-HealthcareOrganization | ![]() | HdBe-MedicalDevice | ![]() | HdBe-MedicationAdministration2 | ![]() | HdBe-Problem | ![]() | InfusionCatheterType | ![]() | LineStatus | ![]() | LumenLocation |
"resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
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"valueMarkdown" : "HdBeInfuus"
"title" : "HdBe-Infusion",
"status" : "draft",
"date" : "2022-07-07T15:04:03.2592055+00:00",
"publisher" : " (Sciensano)",
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"name" : "Service portal â",
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"description" : "An infusion is a device that slowly injects fluid into a blood vessel. The infusion has a number of components. \r\nThe infusion contains: \r\n\r\n* the (peripheral) cannula or the (central) catheter put into the patient peripherally or centrally;\r\n* the administering system connected to the cannula/catheter allowing the administered fluid to run,\r\n* the infusion bag containing the fluid.\r\nMultiple administering systems may be connected to one cannula/catheter. Furthermore, a central venous catheter may have multiple lumens. \r\nArterial and epidural catheters also exist in addition to venous catheters.\r\n\r\n#### Purpose\r\nThe purpose of an infusion is usually to administer fluid and/or medication. \r\nInformation on present infusions is recorded to inform other health professionals. This information is of importance in determining the care required for the patient and in safely administering medication. In a transfer situation, the information offers the option to realize continuity of care by organizing specific expertise and materials in advance, for example.",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Een infuus is een apparaat waarmee vloeistof langzaam in een bloedvat wordt gespoten. Het infuus bestaat uit een aantal delen.\r\nTot het infuus wordt behoort:\r\n\r\n* de canule (perifeer) of de katheter (centraal) die perifeer of centraal wordt ingebracht bij de patiënt;\r\n* het toedieningssysteem dat aangesloten is op de canule/katheter waardoor de vloeistof loopt die wordt toegediend;\r\n* de infuuszak waar de vloeistof zich in bevindt.\r\n\r\n\r\nOp één canule/katheter kunnen meerdere toedieningssystemen zijn aangesloten. Daarnaast kan een centraal veneuze katheter meerdere lumina bevatten.\r\nNaast veneuze katheters zijn er ook arteriële en epidurale katheters.\r\n#### Purpose\r\nHet doel van een infuus is meestal het toedienen van vocht en/of medicatie. \r\nHet vastleggen van informatie over aanwezige infusen heeft tot doel om andere zorgverleners hierover te informeren. Deze informatie is van belang bij het vaststellen van benodigde zorg voor de patiënt en voor veilige toediening van medicatie. In een overplaatsingssituatie biedt de informatie de mogelijkheid om de continuiteit van zorg te bewerkstelligen door bijvoorbeeld specifieke deskundigheid en materialen vooraf te regelen. \r\n\r\n\r\n**References**\r\n1. Verpleegkundige Intensive Care Protocollen [Online] Beschikbaar op: []( [Geraadpleegd: 13 februari 2015]\r\n"
"copyright" : "Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise.",
"fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
"kind" : "logical",
"abstract" : true,
"type" : "",
"baseDefinition" : "",
"derivation" : "specialization",
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"id" : "Infusion",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Infuus"
"definition" : "Root concept of the Infusion information model. This root concept contains all data elements of the infusion information model.",
"_definition" : {
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"url" : "",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Rootconcept van de bouwsteen Infuus. Dit rootconcept bevat alle gegevenselementen van de bouwsteen Infuus."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter",
"short" : "InfusionCatheter",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Infuuskatheter"
"definition" : "InfusionCatheter describes the presence of an infusion catheter. If this is the case, the date of placement and insertion opening can be described in addition to the type of catheter. Furthermore, it offers the option to record identification information of the cannula/catheter if desired.",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Infuuskatheter beschrijft de aanwezigheid van een infuuskatheter. Indien hier sprake van is, kunnen naast het type katheter de plaatsingsdatum en insteekopening bij de patiënt beschreven worden. Bovendien biedt het de mogelijkheid om indien gewenst identificerende gegevens van de canule/katheter vast te leggen."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "BackboneElement"
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice",
"short" : "MedicalDevice",
"_short" : {
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"url" : "",
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"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "MedischHulpmiddel"
"definition" : "Root concept of the MedicalDevice information model. This root concept contains all data elements of the MedicalDevice information model.",
"_definition" : {
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"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Rootconcept van de bouwsteen MedischHulpmiddel. Dit rootconcept bevat alle gegevenselementen van de bouwsteen MedischHulpmiddel."
"min" : 1,
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"type" : [
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"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Product",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Product",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Product"
"definition" : "The medical device (internally or externally).",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Het medische hulpmiddel dat wordt gebruikt (inwendig of uitwendig)."
"min" : 1,
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"type" : [
"code" : "BackboneElement"
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Product.ProductId",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Product.ProductId",
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"valueMarkdown" : "ProductID"
"definition" : "Unique identification of the product, such as the serial number. \r\nFrequently used coding systems are HIBC and GTIN.\r\nIf the law requires this to be registered on the basis of a UDI (Unique Device Identifier), the unique identification must consist of a UDI-DI (Device Identifier) and a UDI-PI (Production Identifier(s)). See for more information. \r\n\r\nThe UDI-DI must be recorded in reference to GS1 GTIN (01) encryptions, with which for example a firm is linked to the product type. The UDI-PI must consist of the following: application identifier (AI); expiration date (17) and serial number (21) and/or batch or lot number (10).",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Unieke identificatie van het product, bijvoorbeeld het serienummer.\r\nVeel gebruikte coderingen zijn HIBC en GTIN.\r\nIndien de wet verplicht stelt dat deze geregistreerd wordt op basis van een UDI (Unique Device Identifier), dient de unieke identificatie opgebouwd te zijn uit een UDI-DI (Device Identifier) en een UDI-PI (Production Identifier(s)). Voor meer informatie, zie: .\r\n\r\nDe UDI-DI dient m.b.t. GS1 GTIN (01) coderingen worden vastgelegd, waarmee o.a. een firma aan het producttype wordt gekoppeld. De UDI-PI dient te bestaan uit de volgende application identifier (AI); vervaldatum (17) en serienummer (21) en/of batch- of lotnummer (10)."
"min" : 0,
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"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Product.ProductType",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Product.ProductType",
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"valueMarkdown" : "ProductType"
"definition" : "A description of the type of cannula/catheter.",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Een beschrijving van het type canule/katheter."
"min" : 0,
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"type" : [
"code" : "CodeableConcept"
"binding" : {
"strength" : "extensible",
"description" : "InfusionCatheterType codes",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.ProductDescription",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.ProductDescription",
"short" : "ProductDescription",
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"valueMarkdown" : "ProductOmschrijving"
"definition" : "Textual description of the product.",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Tekstuele beschrijving van het product."
"min" : 0,
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"type" : [
"code" : "string"
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.AnatomicalLocation",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.AnatomicalLocation",
"short" : "AnatomicalLocation",
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"valueMarkdown" : "AnatomischeLocatie"
"definition" : "Patientâs anatomical location of the medical device used.",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Anatomische locatie van het gebruikte hulpmiddel bij de patiënt."
"min" : 0,
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"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Indication",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Indication",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Indicatie"
"definition" : "The medical reason for use of the medical device.",
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"valueMarkdown" : "De medische reden voor het gebruik van het medisch hulpmiddel."
"min" : 0,
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"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
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"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.StartDate",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.StartDate",
"short" : "StartDate",
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"valueMarkdown" : "BeginDatum"
"definition" : "The start date of the first use or implant of the medical device. A âvagueâ date, such as only the year, is permitted.",
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"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
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"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "De startdatum van eerste toepassing of implantatie het medische hulpmiddel. Een vage datum, bijv. alleen een jaartal, is toegestaan."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "dateTime"
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.EindDatum",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.EindDatum",
"short" : "EindDatum",
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"extension" : [
"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "EindDatum"
"definition" : "The end date of the last use or explant of the medical device. A âvagueâ date, such as only the year, is permitted.",
"_definition" : {
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"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
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"valueMarkdown" : "De einddatum van de laatste toepassing of explantatie van het medische hulpmiddel. Een vage datum, bijv. alleen een jaartal, is toegestaan."
"alias" : [
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "dateTime"
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Comment",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Comment",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Toelichting"
"definition" : "Comment about use or information on the medical device used.",
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"url" : "",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Opmerking bij de toepassing of informatie over het gebruikte hulpmiddel."
"min" : 0,
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"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Location",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.Location",
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"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
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"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "Locatie"
"definition" : "The healthcare organization at which use of the medical device was initiated or where the aid was implanted.",
"_definition" : {
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"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
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"valueMarkdown" : "De zorgaanbieder waar het gebruik van het hulpmiddel geïnitieerd werd of waar het hulpmiddel geïmplanteerd werd."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.HealthProfessional",
"path" : "Infusion.InfusionCatheter.MedicalDevice.HealthProfessional",
"short" : "HealthProfessional",
"_short" : {
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"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Zorgverlener"
"definition" : "The healthcare professional involved in the indication for use of the medical device implant.",
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"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
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"valueMarkdown" : "De zorgverlener betrokken bij de indicatiestelling voor het gebruik of de implantatie van het hulpmiddel."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "Infusion.Comment",
"path" : "Infusion.Comment",
"short" : "Comment",
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"extension" : [
"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
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"valueMarkdown" : "Toelichting"
"definition" : "A comment on the infusion.",
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"extension" : [
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"valueMarkdown" : "Een toelichting op het infuus."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "string"
"id" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine",
"path" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine",
"short" : "LumenOrLine",
"_short" : {
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"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "LumenOfLijn"
"definition" : "Container of the LumenOrLine concept. This container contains all data elements of the LumenOrLine concept. \r\nCentral lines can contain one or more lumens; peripheral infusions do not have lumens and only have one line.",
"_definition" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "Container van het concept LumenOfLijn. Deze container bevat alle gegevenselementen van het concept LumenOfLijn.\r\nCentrale lijnen kunnen één of meer lumina bevatten, bij een perifeer infuus is er geen sprake van lumina en is er slechts één lijn."
"min" : 1,
"max" : "3",
"type" : [
"code" : "BackboneElement"
"id" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.LineStatus",
"path" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.LineStatus",
"short" : "LineStatus",
"_short" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "LijnStatus"
"definition" : "LineStatus is used to indicate whether it is a running infusion, whether it has been capped, or has been fitted with a heparin lock, etc.",
"_definition" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
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"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
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"valueMarkdown" : "Met lijnstatus kan worden aangegeven of het een lopend infuus is, het afgedopt is, of van een heparineslot voorzien is, etcetera."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "CodeableConcept"
"binding" : {
"strength" : "extensible",
"description" : "LineStatus codes",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.LumenLocation",
"path" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.LumenLocation",
"short" : "LumenLocation",
"_short" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "LumenLocatie"
"definition" : "For central venous catheters with multiple lumens, LumenLocation indicates the relative position of the lumen with respect to the insertion opening.",
"_definition" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "Bij een centraal veneuze katheter met meerdere lumina geeft LumenLocatie de relatieve positie aan van het lumen ten opzichte van de insteekopening."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "CodeableConcept"
"binding" : {
"strength" : "extensible",
"description" : "LumenLocation codes",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.LockFluid",
"path" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.LockFluid",
"short" : "LockFluid",
"_short" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "SlotVloeistof"
"definition" : "The description of the fluid used as an anticoagulation lock, such as heparin.",
"_definition" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "De beschrijving van de vloeistof die als antistollingsslot wordt gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld heparine."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.AdministeringSystem",
"path" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.AdministeringSystem",
"short" : "AdministeringSystem",
"_short" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "ToedieningsSysteem"
"definition" : "Container of the AdministeringSystem concept. This container contains all data elements of the AdministeringSystem concept. \r\nThe administering system contains the entire system making the fluid run from the infusion bag via the cannula/catheter to the patient. This also includes any three-way valves/connecting joints used.",
"_definition" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "Container van het concept ToedieningsSysteem. Deze container bevat alle gegevenselementen van het concept ToedieningsSysteem.\r\nHet toedieningssysteem bevat het hele systeem waardoor de vloeistof van de infuuszak via de canule/katheter de patiënt inloopt. Eventueel gebruikte driewegkranen/tussenstukjes vallen hier ook onder."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"type" : [
"code" : "BackboneElement"
"id" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.AdministeringSystem.InfusionFluid",
"path" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.AdministeringSystem.InfusionFluid",
"short" : "InfusionFluid",
"_short" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "InfuusVloeistof"
"definition" : "The description of the fluid administered through the infusion and the dose administered, as given in the medication prescription.",
"_definition" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "De beschrijving van de vloeistof die toegediend wordt via het infuus en de dosis van de verstrekking, zoals vermeld staat in het medicatievoorschrift."
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.AdministeringSystem.Peripheral",
"path" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.AdministeringSystem.Peripheral",
"short" : "Peripheral",
"_short" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "Randapparaat"
"definition" : "A description of medical devices required for administering the infusion fluid and placing the catheter, such as a volumetric infusion pump, syringe and infusion bag.",
"_definition" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "Een beschrijving van hulpmiddelen die benodigd zijn voor het toedienen van de infuusvloeistof en het toepassen van de katheter, bijvoorbeeld een volumetrische infuuspomp, spuitenpomp en drukzak."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.AdministeringSystem.AdministeringSystemComment",
"path" : "Infusion.LumenOrLine.AdministeringSystem.AdministeringSystemComment",
"short" : "AdministeringSystemComment",
"_short" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "ToedieningsSysteemToelichting"
"definition" : "A comment on the administering system.",
"_definition" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"extension" : [
"url" : "lang",
"valueCode" : "nl-BE"
"url" : "content",
"valueMarkdown" : "Een toelichting op het toedieningssysteem."
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "string"
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.